Transactions of the American Entomological Society
Transactions of the American Entomological Society, published since 1867, contains work on all aspects of the systematics and taxonomy of insects, including taxonomic revisions and phylogenetics.

    Contributions are accepted on any of the aspects of systematics and taxonomy of insects. This includes: taxonomic revisions, phylogenetics, biogeography and faunistics, and descriptive morphology of insects. Taxonomic papers describing single species are acceptable if such a study is sufficiently justified, however, comprehensive studies that provide a comparative, integrated study of insect systematics and taxonomy will get priority.


Print ISSN: 0002-8320

Online ISSN: 2162-3139

Current: Feb 2025 : Volume 150 Issue 2

BioOne Member Since: 2007

Frequency: Quarterly

Impact Factor: 0.4

Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: ENTOMOLOGY 98/109

Journal Citation Indicator: .20

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